Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pix of Stacey and Lizz

I took these amazing pictures!! lol


As you can see, SkyBabe is sporting a BLUE ribbon!!! We won our very first flat class at the Lucky Clover Show!!!!!
The morning got off to a rough start. I was almost ready to give up on riding her at all, but I'd already payed my money and didn't want it to go to waste. So into the class I went expecting not to pin and LOOK AT THAT!!! WE WON!!!! I love Sky sooooooo much!!!! She came through for me....it still amazes me. :)

More pix WILL be up soon! I promise!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flyin' Sky

I've captioned these just for you to giggle at!! :D

Sky: Oh. My. GOODNESS! ITS AN OXAR!! (*cough* two jumps combined*cough*)
Elisabeth:OWWWW!! She took off too soon!!

Elisabeth: *sigh* You'd jump a ladybuy sky...
Sky: *grumbling* I don't know why I put up with you...making me jump...making me work...Grrrrr.
Elisabeth: Wow, this is realitivly nice....whats she planning for when we land?

Sunday, June 21, 2009


lol! This is just a silly picture of Mariah and I being goofy :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009



Sunday, June 14, 2009



Eating a Airhead...SO not on my diet!

I see you......

LOL Me and Michaila are in the midst of a sleepovahh :D We are having a gigglefest!!!!! ^o^

Saturday, June 13, 2009

SMILE!!!!! :D

So last Sunday we had the One Man Volleyball team come play us at church! :D It was great! While we were watching the boys play I was taking pictures with my phone. Nick walks over and plops in my lap and was like "OH! Can I take one?!" So I said, "Sure Bud, here" and then next thing I know he'd taken 4 pix of himself lol :) This was the cutest and funniest one!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Seadog biscuits....

Well, tonight I arrived at Shain's and was told that I was too make Seadog Biscuits. (For those of you not from around here a Seadog is two chocolate chip cookies with yummy yummy vanilla ice cream in the middle. And not just any ice cream, Shain's of Maine ice cream.....voted best ice cream in New Englad!!!) :)
Anyhoo, a special order had come in for 400 bicuits with Black Raspberry ice cream in them. (Ew) So my co-worker and I slaved away and two hours later they were done!! :D
This is just a picture of my hand after doing about 25 of them lol ice cream was EVERYWHERE!

Earlier in my day I went down to the barn to ride Sky. :) She was being so great, so I decided to take her into the indoor and try a course. What I didn't realize was that all of the bags of shavings were stacked in there as well. (around 150 of them!) No big, I said to myself and Lizz, who was helping me by making a course, She'll calm down and get used to them in a bit. Well, after about 10 minutes of preping I turned her towards a cross rail jump going towards the shavings. (A crossrail is just two poles making an X) Well, she was SO worred about the shavings that she didn't see the jump until it was too late. She FREAKED out and slid to a stop and jerked left and I went flying.
Kay, imagine someone doing a cartwheel...you see it? How they go into this nice beautiful elegant X? I did that through the air lol My legs took the jump completely out and I landed in the dirt on my back.

It hurt.

It still does.

:) But thats the price you pay to ride horses right? Anyway, I'm fine :)

Plantin' Cukes lol

Well, the last four days my family and I have been helping our neighbor plant his HUGE garden...We planted around 800 tomatoe plants and 450 Cucombers. Lets just say, I'll never look at them the same again. lol But thank the LORD we go to help Mr. Shain out and earned a lil extra ca$h :)

This is one of the cuke plants...cute isn't it? :) I named it Larry lol He was my first one.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sky :)

I'm thinking that Defiance is going to win as Sky's show name. :) The show is in two weeks...I'm so excited!!! ^_^
How does this sound? (Imagine it booming over the loud speakers!)
Number 15, Elisabeth Bell, riding Defiance!........
lol! I love it! Its very commanding for when she goes tearing up the jumper course. :)