Monday, June 8, 2009

Sky :)

I'm thinking that Defiance is going to win as Sky's show name. :) The show is in two weeks...I'm so excited!!! ^_^
How does this sound? (Imagine it booming over the loud speakers!)
Number 15, Elisabeth Bell, riding Defiance!........
lol! I love it! Its very commanding for when she goes tearing up the jumper course. :)


Calvary said...

I think Defiance is an awesome name!

Anonymous said...

Cute horse! My horse is named Sunny. He's no show horse though (he's very lazy). But I love him.
P.S. Would you like to follow my blog? I'll follow yours if you follow mine.

Stacy said...

Do we actually have a loudspeaker? Besides Phil? Lol.