Oceanside Prayer
By Elisabeth Bell
The sand is warm beneath my feet,
Along the shore, the tide is beat.
The sun, it gives way to night,
The stars come out. My, they're bright!
The wind, it blows around my face,
Seagulls tease one another to race,
The salt is strong in the air...
It soothes my soul so filled with care.
I sink to my knees in the sand,
I bury my face into my hand,
My heart, it breaks for the souls,
That deal with the world and her tolls.
I've learned to lean on God's Grace,
But they don't know of that place.
How to let go of fear and pain....
Their tears, they falls like the rain.
Tears come to my own eyes,
My shoulders shake from my cries,
So many people, just don't know!
Of God on high who loves them so!
Others don't care is how it seems,
They just follow hopes and dreams.
"I'm all set" is what they say....
But they don't know the price they'll pay.
Oh dear friend, don't let this be you!
You don't know what you'll go through!
Hell's fires are hot, but Heaven is sweet,
This road you're on, you can still retreat.
Jesus' love is pure and totally free,
Come and join His family.
The tide starts to wet my knees,
The smell of rain is on the breeze,
I look up to Heaven, the stars still bright,
"Oh Lord Jesus let me shine your Light!!"
"Let me bring lost souls to you,"
"No matter what I must do."
The rain, it falls soft and light.
Perfection seems so far from sight,
"But Lord, I know you've heard my prayer,"
"On you I cast all my care."
I ride up and look out to sea,
"Thank you Lord, for loving me."
As I turn to go, movement catches my eye,
A young girl stops and starts to cry.
My heart constricts, yet I smile,
I whisper, "Lord, here goes one more mile."
That is beautiful!! When are you going to publish it?!!
WOW! That's amazing!
Oh, Elisabeth that is a beautiful poem. It has been awhile since I saw a new poem posted. I checked the Poetry site the other day. You have a gift. Loved the new pics on the blog.
Love you lots,
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