Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Horse show pix :)

Moe telling LoveBug she did good...But Beloved is to tired to care :) lol
Flat classss....:)

YAY WE WON! ^_^ lol Well, no, 2nd.... but close!

There will be more just so you know...these are the only ones I have thus far ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Benjamin overlooking the ocean

MY FAVORITE LIGHT HOUSE!! Portland Head...this is the spot where Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote many of his poems. :)

Ben and Cherith lol

The waves were magnificent!

Nubble Light House

Recent Pix

Our Family on my Daddy's birthday! ^^
My new hair!! ^_^ My Gran permed it for this pic it was still wet, but I'll try to get a better one soon! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hapy Birthday Daddy!!

YAY! Its my Daddy's birthday tomorrow!! He wil be No, I won't say how old he'll be, although I'm sure he wouldn't care at all. :) I praise the LORD for letting me have such a wonderful Christian family. All those years ago, when a preacher on furlough stopped and talked to my Grandma and invitied her to church....The pastor could've easily been to lazy, or my Grandma could've turned a deaf ear. But thank God, she went and got SAVED! Now I have a beautiful family heavenbound with a hammer down!!! ^^

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just Beyond The Clouds....

Clouds fascinate me!!
I took about 50 pix of them, but these are some of the best! :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


My daddy, Miss Eleanor, myself, Michail and Lydia all went up to Ilseboro, Maine on Sunday! We had a wonderful service and I got LOTS of pix of the fall colors! ^^ PLUS!!! OH MY WORD THIS IS EXCITING! And kinda
When we were taking off out of Ilseboro, the plane started going down the runway and as we hit 120 MPH we started to lift off. As we left the ground we heard this thumb and the plane harred a little bit. Pastor Schoppe from the island got onto his raido and said to my dad, "You just sliced a deer in half." No kidding! Our prop cut it completely in two! EWWWWW!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Barn!

The Bahhhn got a new paint job!!
Don't it look grand? lol ^_^ Yep, and in the process, Daddy fell off of the ladder. :/ Yea, the ladder slid and he rode it to the bottom. He wasn't hutr though which is good. :)