Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sky =)

What a good mare! LOL To bad AK (the camera girl) didn't catch the buck on the way down!! ^_^

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


2009.....A year of *sarcastically* CHANGE thanks to Obama. *shudder*

Four years ago tomorrow, my dad preached a message in church titled "Staying alive in 2005" He preached that day on not letting the heathens of this world change us. We need to stay strong for Jesus even in the year 2005! None of us could believe it was
2005....and now, how much more important is that message? We need to stay alive for Christ in 2009! Because let me tell you folks, we live in an absolute HEATHEN nation! America has gone down the tubes, and do you know why? Because our country has chosen to forget GOD! They've chosen to turn their backs on him and go their own way! It all sounded fun when they banned prayer from public school didn't it? HMM? Well, is it fun when kids go around stabbing and shooting each other? Is it fun when so many drugs infest a school that you can't walk down a hallway without seeing them being sold and used?! It was an absolute awesome idea wasn't it? To take God out of our future generations lives?
If you go to do you know what you'll see? The latest picture of someone who has been murdered, or raped, or or both!!! You'll see the signs of the times. Isreal will not sit placid forever! And let me tell you, the day America turns their back on God's people like the rest of the world....I do not even want to KNOW what is going to happen then!!! You just thought America was gone! You see all the utter destruction that goes on in other countries? Ever wondered why it happens? Because they hate Isreal. THEY HATE GOD'S PEOPLE!!
I'm telling you people, the LORD is soon to return!! Our world is dying...are you going to die with it? Or are you going to stand up and be counted?! Are you going to let 2009 rob you of your faith and service for God? Or are you going to say "NO! I'll live for JESUS! NO MATTER WHAT!!"?
By God's grace I won't give into the world. By HIS grace I'll live for HIM until I see his glorious face in the clouds! Amen and amen!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas!

Merrrrrrrrry CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good Morning!

Its A wonderful Sudnay morning here in the North....The temperature is hovering somewhere around 15 degrees with a 5 to -1 windchill. Burrrrrrr. :) Sorry I don't have any pix for you today, but I wanted to update abd share with my family that I will be DRIVING us to church this morning because I have my PERMIT! ^_^ YAY! lol So pray for my poor mother. ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Wow, I haven't updated in a while because we haven't had power for FOUR DAYS! :/ Yep, we up heyah in the NOTH had a pretty bad ice storm on Friday. It wasn't good....but we're alive. :) We just became Amish for a few days and in all truth it wasn;t that bad at all. The no lights was annoying, but I really didn't miss much else. :)
This is our GRASS in our front yard. Cool huh?!?!

Some trees behind the shop...they were so pretty!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Poor Alec

We had free time in English class can see how that went. lol One of the boys snuck up behind Alec and duck taped him before he could even yell. But oh did Alec yell. lol!!! He's probably going to yell at me for putting these up, but come on! They were to great to refuse!! ^^


Basketball is not my sport. lol!
Michaila said that I broke so many rules I could've been in a record book!! ^_^ haha! After running all over our court at school, around volleyball players and swishing under their net....we all collapsed in a huge heap. Our gym teacher, Mrs. Boston took this if us. :) lol

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Here's my new girl :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Just Beyond The Clouds....

AKA Skye is officially my new horse. :) And no, this is not a picture of her......get your eyes checked if you thought it was lol!!

I went to look at her today and from the moment our eyes met....I knew I wanted her. I didn't even have to ride to know that. I did ride her and shes going to be my match, I can feel it. :) I don't have any very good pictures, but I will get them tomorrow when she comes home. ^_^

Thursday, November 20, 2008

God will make this trial a blessing.....

Though it send me to my knees.
Though my tears flow like a river,
In HIM I find relief.......

I don't think I have any tears left.
Beloved is leaving today. I sold her to the lady that I bought her from two years ago....I'm glad she'll go to someone who loves her as much as me.
But if only you knew how much it rips my heart apart.
I went down to the barn to tell her goodbye last night and I cried into her mane for forever. She is the most wonderful horse...she just stood there and let me hug her. She pressed her face against mine and gave me her own her own way.
I love Beloved very much and this day will be so so hard. It hurts more than the day I put my first horse to sleep.
I have to go and get to school...but pray for me today.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is the horse I went to look at today. :) Her name is Cinnamon and she is a sweetie! She's 15.1hands, about 1100 lbs. and goes English and/or Western. Oh my goodness, you should have seen her move. She was beautiful. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


My little "boyfriend" enjoying a balloon I gave him. :) He's so cute!!!

Here's a picture we took while my granparents were up...I have one of when my mom's parents were here....its just a matter of finding it. lol!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Some school Pix :)

Tia and Faith



MOI and Michaila

ALEC! I did it! I updated my blog! ^_^ lol.....Here are a few pix of some kids from school. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Horse show pix :)

Moe telling LoveBug she did good...But Beloved is to tired to care :) lol
Flat classss....:)

YAY WE WON! ^_^ lol Well, no, 2nd.... but close!

There will be more just so you know...these are the only ones I have thus far ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Benjamin overlooking the ocean

MY FAVORITE LIGHT HOUSE!! Portland Head...this is the spot where Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote many of his poems. :)

Ben and Cherith lol

The waves were magnificent!

Nubble Light House

Recent Pix

Our Family on my Daddy's birthday! ^^
My new hair!! ^_^ My Gran permed it for this pic it was still wet, but I'll try to get a better one soon! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hapy Birthday Daddy!!

YAY! Its my Daddy's birthday tomorrow!! He wil be No, I won't say how old he'll be, although I'm sure he wouldn't care at all. :) I praise the LORD for letting me have such a wonderful Christian family. All those years ago, when a preacher on furlough stopped and talked to my Grandma and invitied her to church....The pastor could've easily been to lazy, or my Grandma could've turned a deaf ear. But thank God, she went and got SAVED! Now I have a beautiful family heavenbound with a hammer down!!! ^^

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just Beyond The Clouds....

Clouds fascinate me!!
I took about 50 pix of them, but these are some of the best! :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


My daddy, Miss Eleanor, myself, Michail and Lydia all went up to Ilseboro, Maine on Sunday! We had a wonderful service and I got LOTS of pix of the fall colors! ^^ PLUS!!! OH MY WORD THIS IS EXCITING! And kinda
When we were taking off out of Ilseboro, the plane started going down the runway and as we hit 120 MPH we started to lift off. As we left the ground we heard this thumb and the plane harred a little bit. Pastor Schoppe from the island got onto his raido and said to my dad, "You just sliced a deer in half." No kidding! Our prop cut it completely in two! EWWWWW!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Barn!

The Bahhhn got a new paint job!!
Don't it look grand? lol ^_^ Yep, and in the process, Daddy fell off of the ladder. :/ Yea, the ladder slid and he rode it to the bottom. He wasn't hutr though which is good. :)